Your Accommodations

If you’re coming in from out of town we have a great place for you to stay!

Location: Hyatt House Boulder/Broomfield

The address is:
13351 W Midway Blvd
Broomfield, CO 80020

How It Works

In lieu of booking out a block of rooms and having to commit to a certain number of people staying there, the Hyatt House has given us a discount for anyone who books with them for our wedding. You’re welcome to stay anywhere you’d like but we encourage all out-of-towners to stay here and take advantage of the cheap, high-quality rooms.

To book your room, please follow these easy steps:

1. Click here to visit the The Hyatt House Website

2. Use the “Make a reservation” box on the right side of the page.

3. Put your dates into the calendar (remember, the wedding is in the evening on September 11, 2015)

4. Click the “Special Rates (AAA, GOVT, …)” dropdown

5. Select “Corporate or Group Code

6. Enter 85917

Now all of the prices are automatically reduced to our discounted price and you can book which ever room you’d like!